Get paid from Africa with a
payment system Africans use

Chipdeals Mobile Money API is the payment processor of choice to do business in Africa. Here're 5 reasons why.

Start collecting money instantly

Chipdeals is the fastest and easiest way to start getting paid online in Africa. From registration to first collection will take less than 10 minutes . Don't believe us ? See for yourself 👉👉

Getting started

Simple, transparent and cheap pricing

Chipdeals only charges a tiny fee per succesful payments, which means we literally only make money when you do, and we work hard to ensure every payments succeeds.

Integrate for free

Developer friendly

Our APIs are so easy to understand and integrate that you will feel like you have built it yourself. We removed all the hassle so you can better focus on building your business.


Understand exactly how your business is performing

Chipdeals provides detailed reporting, alerts, and exports, so you and your team can take better decisions.


Get helped for any issue 24/7

Our Customer Support team is available to support you, and they’re empowered to resolve issues as quickly as possible. Dont beleive us ?
Just click below 👇to be directe to someone that will help.

Available in 6 countries today, with many more coming soon

Mali flag
Benin flag
Burkina Faso flag
Burkina Faso
Cameroun flag
Ivory Coast flag
Ivory Coast
Togo flag
Senegal flag

Try Chipdeals

Start accepting payments in just 10 minutes